From my Google Reader shares

Long MP3’s

Particular podcasts in general have me thinking to myself, “You know what would be great, if I could skip to the next chapter.”  Then it dawns on me, why can’t we do that?  I mean, in the first place, typically mp3’s are rips of songs and when you skip, you skip file to file.  But now when you have long format audio, wouldn’t it be nice to be able to skip to predetermined chapters like a dvd?  I think so.

From my Google Reader shares

From Google Reader

From Google Reader

Ok really it should be like take 5. Like I said earlier, I bought a Pur water dispenser to raise the quality of water used for the tea batches. I made another standard version 1 batch but it was really sweet. Like crazy sweet. 2/3rd cup of sugar, 2.5 quarts of water or whatever that line is on the pitcher which I have yet to understand. I think there are 2 measuring lines, actual water, and ice. But anyway, it seemed like a lost hope. I imagined what I needed was sugar that was sweet but didn’t have as strong of a flavor if that’s even possible since sugar is only sweet. So in retrospect, I’m like grasping at straws to figure out what’s going on. I drank about 1/3rd of it and decided to dilute it with more water. So I added more water, and it was perfect!!! (maybe) I need to buy more reference material but I feel like what I had finally made was definitely tasting much better.

  • So $19 for this tea maker
  • 2 bags of  lipton tea
  • Fill to the pitcher to the third line
  • 2/3rd cup of sugar in the pitcher for when the tea comes out piping hot
  • Then dilute it with plain water after it’s been brewed

The problem is I don’t know how much I diluted it.  I feel like I went down to the 2 quart line then I doubled it’s volume with plain water.  Either way, it’s a great alternative to $5 a gallon!

Samurize Config

I spent some time working with the Conky config and edited it a bit.  Here’s what I came up with:


The config file is here and you can get Samurize here:

You’re looking for Serious Samurize.

I only took out the parts of Conky that relied on some other program to derive CPU settings (also, my CPU meter isn’t tracking useage correctly, I can’t find the right setting at the moment) so it should work out of a fresh install.  You’ll have to change drive letters to track anything that isn’t your main C drive.

My config is also set on the second monitor, so you may want to edit the file and change the Design Height/Width to fit your monitor after you move the display to your main monitor.

Batman The Brave and the Bold

I was very resistant to watching this series because of the lack of Kevin Conroy voicing Batman but I finally relented.  To me, that is the absolute voice of Batman.  It’s like recasting a part that an actor had for 30 years for no reason.  Anyway, the premise is simply Batman + obscure DC hero fight obscure DC villain.  By comparison, Batman The Animated series focused on Batman and more of his detective like abilities.  This show highlights sort of the antics of Batman as a crime fighter fighting zany villains.  By just that description, you could say it’s worse and maybe geared for a younger audience, however the series isn’t so bad.  Maybe after watching so much Smallville and not seeing epic superhero fights, this is the balance.  I’d say it’s worth watching, but not taking seriously. Though I do wish there were more Green Lantern.

Post Holiday Wrap Up

So much has happened over the last two weeks that I hope I jam it all into this post without having to edit it!

The drive to San Antonio was as usual uneventful.  Podcasts kept me awake and lively for the duration but I realize that the TWiT broadcasts probably border on too long.  The Blizzard podcast has the perfect length of time almost before I get bored.  I’d say for me personally, about an hour is my limit.

My Thanksgiving break was short and I was honestly kind of out of it.  It was one of those vacations where I simply tuned out and needed rest.  This was at the expense of actually hanging out with the family.  So this time going down I was more focused on knocking out Rock Band 2 achievements and spending time and doing things with them.

My first day we killed Rock Band 2.  Knocked out a ton of achievements and played until we were sick of the last tier of songs.  I think if I have a gripe with Rock Band 2, it’s that the challenges are so static amid an ever changing library.  Instead of Painkiller/Panic Attack/etc for the last set every time, it should know based on difficulty rating of other songs you have bought to swap things up.  It was great and it wore us out for Christmas the next day.   Well, it wore me out anyway.

This year I think they let me sleep in actually.  I feel like I woke up at 7 or 7:30 and they usually have me up at 6 or something crazy.  When I was a kid I had to wait patiently for my Dad to wake up before I could tear into things.  We had a ritual actually.  We had to get the fireplace started, get coffee, be somewhat presentable for him to record Christmas on the camcorder, THEN I could tear into presents.  However, now it’s like “Is Tim up?” Although I know the stark contrast to the old days is that my Dad now works a night shift so he’s actually awake during this time anyway and it’s really us that hold up the whole situation.

When I go home, I’m actually surprised to find gifts for me since I’m old enough not to be considered a part of the household.  But it’s really heart warming to see my little brother and sister have taken time out to get me something.

The Loot:

  • Mom/Older Sister: Western Digital 500GB Passport external hard drive
  • Brother: Travel bag (the kind you’d put your toothbrush/razor in)
  • Younger Sister: Shirt
  • Aunt: 2 liter Pampered Chef pot
  • Uncle: Long sleeve shirt

So the hugely cool gift they got me, which really is very cool since I did comment last time I was down there that I needed another drive, was the external hard drive.  It’s so small and awesome.  My younger sibling gifts were also pretty great as far as something I needed (from my brother) and something I’d wear (from my sister).

My aunt has this trend of getting me kitchen stuff which is always great.  Before she’d jump from clothes to cologne to totally random stuff.  Then she got me a set of pots and asked me what I thought of them and I said I loved them.  Since then she’s very consistently gotten me great kitchen stuff.

My uncle without fail has gotten me clothes, but sometimes surprising because it’ll be family related like something relating to Indiana, but this year it was a standardized gift.  Our family is pretty big to shop for (3 kids and 2 adults) and so it goes back to the surprise of seeing any gifts for me at all to see that he’s still mindful enough to get me something.

The kids got a 160GB Playstation 3 and with it, Call of Duty 4, Bioshock, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, and Uncharted.  My sister said that my brother had been into the zombie shooters, so I figured Bioshock would be great considering they already got him CoD4.  However, I realize now that it’s a bit too scary for him and so he hasn’t even started a game yet, but he watches his oldest sister play it for him.  When we’re all huddled around the TV we have a sort of narration that cuts into the mood so we’re not all at the edge of our seats sometimes when playing games.  But playing alone is probably too immersive.

GT5P unfortunately is probably too small a snippet and lacking some of the key features my Dad probably really loves about the series.  The shame of it is I thought the full game would be out this year, but it may be pushed back to 2010 according to Wiki.  Last I heard he had basically played all the tracks and bought some of the most incredible cars already.  I hope the last saving grace is the online play but to my knowledge he’s never played anything online and playing a game like that which is full of computer controlled cars vs other people like him who sort of abuse the collision mechanics might not be appealing to him.  It should be interesting to hear his feedback on it though.

I watched my brother play a large portion of CoD4 and yes, it really was awesome.  I think the coolest level was going through the past Chernobyl.   My brother plowed through it but I was eager to see how he’d play online since he plays very well against an easy computer and sort of knows the tricks to playing against a scripted enemy.  Of course, he was terrible at first, but by the time I left, every game he left he was in the top 3 if not top spot for his team.

Over the course of 3 years, my parent’s house has truly evolved to modern day living.  The only cool thing before this was that they had cable tv.  Now they have a computer for every family member, huge HDTV, Wii, and a PS3.  My main gripe now is that while they have “high speed” net access.  The truth is they have the lowest tier DSL package which is unbearable.  The max download speed is like 60 or 70KBPS.  Turning on the PS3 and seeing that it needed updates for nearly every game in the sizes of 200MB was a heart breaker.  It was confusing to my parents who thought it was broken and needed fixing.

Speaking of broken and needed fixing, I have basically a travel kit for my 360.  It consists of an ethernet cable, an HDMI cable, and all the rest of the Rock Band stuff I don’t normally use like the mic and the hub.  Plugging in the PS3 using it’s composite cable on the nice big HDTV seemed like a slap in the face, so I used my HDMI cable.  I was thinking that I should probably buy them an HDMI cable since going to a physical store will only get you some massively overpriced thing.  If you don’t know, HDMI is a digital signal and as such, doesn’t require fancy gold plating or anything like that.  The cheapest HDMI cable should still give you a great picture.  Anyway, I never got the cable, and as such, we spent the week swapping the HDMI between consoles.

One day though, my Dad is up at 8AM wanting to play GT5P but for some crazy reason the TV doesn’t like the input.  I go down, and in his frustration he’s plugged in both HDMI and composite.  Interestingly, neither of those inputs had a picture.  After many resets and plugging in and unplugging things, it finally worked.  However the time I spent doing it, my Dad is getting increasingly angry at this broken thing he’s bought.  I thought he’s going to be fairly angry if I leave with the HDMI and they don’t have one, so I ended up leaving it and now have to order myself a new one.  Not a big deal, but I’m temporarily unable to take my 360 anywhere.  Well I could take it, but unhooking the component cables from my TV is painful and annoying, which is why I opted for the spare HDMI cable.

Ok so now when I visit San Antonio I try to make a point to eat somewhere cool that I either don’t have or that’s a local dive that people rave about.  Though less of the second item, I usually end up at nicer places that facilitate the young taste buds of my brother who’s diet is mostly anything with cheese or anything that tastes like chicken.  My visit this time took us to Macaroni Grill (kind of a staple it feels like), McAlister’s (to introduce them to quality tea), Culver’s (because who doesn’t want to try something called a butterburger), and Carino’s.

Carino’s we have in Lubbock which fits none of my main topics for eating out in San Antonio.  But it was late, on the fly, and close.  The problem with Carino’s though in San Antonio and not in Lubbock, is that the last 2 times I’ve been there, this time included, it’s like we get seated in an area where the waiter has no idea where we are.  So we wait for 10 minutes before anyone even comes by!  In Lubbock, the service is great though.  Ah well.

Culver’s wasn’t anything fancy unfortunately.  The burgers were alright.  I feel like if they did something like toast the bun or something, then it would be awesome.  I think only my Mom noted that McAlister’s tea was great and that it was just tea to everyone else.  Macaroni Grill was interesting because out of the blue, my little brother gets handed to him a sundae out of the blue that didn’t appear on the check.  So random and so funny as he looks at me, I shrug my shoulders, and he tears into it.

That wraps up the bulk of my trip but not all of it.  I went to Houston and had car repair troubles which actually isn’t what you think it means after hearing that, also I bought Left 4 Dead and a pur water dispenser.


Smallville (Contains Spoilers)

This season is as usual a roller coaster of events for our pal Clark and likewise each episode has it’s ups and downs, but overall I feel like this season is doing pretty well.  The hardest part about the show is knowing once he becomes Superman, it’s pretty much over.  Knowing this, I don’t know that there was really an epic tale telling us how he became the person he is which makes it sound like why even watch the show?

This season has really touched on some of the cooler and more non-realistic points of being Superman like dealing with Doomsday and the Chloe memory wipe.  I’m looking forward to the Legion episode (Jan 15th) because maybe they’ll tell Clark how crazy important he becomes and it will jump start the Superman persona.  On the one hand, Clark still has to learn how to fly.  Knowing this may be the last season, he’s bound to have to do it soon I imagine.  However I’ve read they wrote the script for the last episode with 2 endings in mind: a season finale and a series finale.

Rock Band

Ok I finally started the drum trainer and man, it’s helped immensely.  We had a Rock Band session on Saturday and it got brought up that I was only playing on hard drums when I used to flip between hard/expert.  I only really play drums when we do the get togethers so I was pretty rusty and didn’t want to fail out the band, but then I thought about how unexciting the drumming must have seemed.  So I finally started up the drum trainer.  I beat the fill at 100BPM so I got the 60 and 100 achievements and finished the beat at 60 but am having real problems on some of the beats like tricky kicks.  Anything that alternates hand hits with kicks is just freakishly hard for me where the downbeat is a drum hit and the upbeat is a bass kick.  Of course my red drum head suffers from lack of sensitivity but I discovered on freestyle mode that the problem lies in the center of the pad.  The rim of the pad is super great on sensitivity and this is actually true for all the pads, they all seem more responsive on the edges.  Anyway, I feel like I’m pretty decent on expert up to about a 4 dot difficulty.  Anything more requires true skill, talent, and a drum kit that works 100%.


Between my personal site and other sites I’m seemingly administering, I think I’ve conquered them!  I finally added my flickr feed to the right panel and changed out the twitter updates so it’s not stuck on last week.  I really want to find a nice WordPress template and call this site finished.  The problem is I don’t do main posts very frequently, most of the ideas I have can fit into a twitter posting and likewise interesting things I see go into flickr although that isn’t used as much.  With the current design both twitter and flickr aren’t highlighted and don’t draw the eye in.  I’m sure I’ll come across something sooner or later though.  It would be cool to find a plugin that allowed me to post flickr and twitter as main posts so they sort of all flowed into one.  I imagine these things exist and I’ve just been too lazy to search for them.

Tea Knockoff

I keep adjusting things and keep moving farther and farther away from McAlister’s deliciousness.  What’s worse is that I haven’t gone back in a week and a half so at this point I don’t even remember what it tastes like!  I’ll probably go back in a day just to refresh the palate.


My sister sends me a text message saying “Don’t get yourself anything for Chrismas because Mom and I got you something REALLY COOL” which is an odd thing to say since usually my parents get me cash.  So the fact that they went out of their way to get me something has me both excited and nervous.  I mean, it could be like really amazing from the sound of it.  My imagination can’t comprehend what it might be.  A netbook??  A G1? ! An iPhone??!?  New Oakleys?!?!!!?!?!?  OR it could be you know, something for my cats like a cat carrier so I can bring them down to San Antonio.  I mean that would still be cool.  Although secretly, though not anymore, I’ve gotten my Christmas gift to myself and it was a paper shredder!  How sad is it when I don’t get myself anything fun, but get something practical and office-y.  Ah well.  I feel like after this Christmas, the total conversion of my parent’s house will be complete.  I have no idea what they’ll want next year because technology wise they’ll have everything and it’ll be so cool to visit them.

Like usual for Thanksgiving, I’m the designated turkey buyer, so I’ll be bringing that down.  I think I’ll take extended leave which means I’ll probably end up taking my PC down again but I need a cat sitter.  My stints back home have gotten shorter and shorter due to lack of care for the cats which makes the drive more and more irritating when I imagine that a bulk of my time is spent driving.  So I’ll stay longer and enjoy south Texas a bit more this year.  Turns out there’s a McAlister’s down the road from my parent’s house so maybe I can get them addicted to the tea there too!