Smallville (Contains Spoilers)

This season is as usual a roller coaster of events for our pal Clark and likewise each episode has it’s ups and downs, but overall I feel like this season is doing pretty well.  The hardest part about the show is knowing once he becomes Superman, it’s pretty much over.  Knowing this, I don’t know that there was really an epic tale telling us how he became the person he is which makes it sound like why even watch the show?

This season has really touched on some of the cooler and more non-realistic points of being Superman like dealing with Doomsday and the Chloe memory wipe.  I’m looking forward to the Legion episode (Jan 15th) because maybe they’ll tell Clark how crazy important he becomes and it will jump start the Superman persona.  On the one hand, Clark still has to learn how to fly.  Knowing this may be the last season, he’s bound to have to do it soon I imagine.  However I’ve read they wrote the script for the last episode with 2 endings in mind: a season finale and a series finale.

Rock Band

Ok I finally started the drum trainer and man, it’s helped immensely.  We had a Rock Band session on Saturday and it got brought up that I was only playing on hard drums when I used to flip between hard/expert.  I only really play drums when we do the get togethers so I was pretty rusty and didn’t want to fail out the band, but then I thought about how unexciting the drumming must have seemed.  So I finally started up the drum trainer.  I beat the fill at 100BPM so I got the 60 and 100 achievements and finished the beat at 60 but am having real problems on some of the beats like tricky kicks.  Anything that alternates hand hits with kicks is just freakishly hard for me where the downbeat is a drum hit and the upbeat is a bass kick.  Of course my red drum head suffers from lack of sensitivity but I discovered on freestyle mode that the problem lies in the center of the pad.  The rim of the pad is super great on sensitivity and this is actually true for all the pads, they all seem more responsive on the edges.  Anyway, I feel like I’m pretty decent on expert up to about a 4 dot difficulty.  Anything more requires true skill, talent, and a drum kit that works 100%.


Between my personal site and other sites I’m seemingly administering, I think I’ve conquered them!  I finally added my flickr feed to the right panel and changed out the twitter updates so it’s not stuck on last week.  I really want to find a nice WordPress template and call this site finished.  The problem is I don’t do main posts very frequently, most of the ideas I have can fit into a twitter posting and likewise interesting things I see go into flickr although that isn’t used as much.  With the current design both twitter and flickr aren’t highlighted and don’t draw the eye in.  I’m sure I’ll come across something sooner or later though.  It would be cool to find a plugin that allowed me to post flickr and twitter as main posts so they sort of all flowed into one.  I imagine these things exist and I’ve just been too lazy to search for them.

Tea Knockoff

I keep adjusting things and keep moving farther and farther away from McAlister’s deliciousness.  What’s worse is that I haven’t gone back in a week and a half so at this point I don’t even remember what it tastes like!  I’ll probably go back in a day just to refresh the palate.


My sister sends me a text message saying “Don’t get yourself anything for Chrismas because Mom and I got you something REALLY COOL” which is an odd thing to say since usually my parents get me cash.  So the fact that they went out of their way to get me something has me both excited and nervous.  I mean, it could be like really amazing from the sound of it.  My imagination can’t comprehend what it might be.  A netbook??  A G1? ! An iPhone??!?  New Oakleys?!?!!!?!?!?  OR it could be you know, something for my cats like a cat carrier so I can bring them down to San Antonio.  I mean that would still be cool.  Although secretly, though not anymore, I’ve gotten my Christmas gift to myself and it was a paper shredder!  How sad is it when I don’t get myself anything fun, but get something practical and office-y.  Ah well.  I feel like after this Christmas, the total conversion of my parent’s house will be complete.  I have no idea what they’ll want next year because technology wise they’ll have everything and it’ll be so cool to visit them.

Like usual for Thanksgiving, I’m the designated turkey buyer, so I’ll be bringing that down.  I think I’ll take extended leave which means I’ll probably end up taking my PC down again but I need a cat sitter.  My stints back home have gotten shorter and shorter due to lack of care for the cats which makes the drive more and more irritating when I imagine that a bulk of my time is spent driving.  So I’ll stay longer and enjoy south Texas a bit more this year.  Turns out there’s a McAlister’s down the road from my parent’s house so maybe I can get them addicted to the tea there too!