Archive for June, 2009

Site Updates: Twitter Posting

If you’ve subscribed to my Twitter RSS you can stop now if you also have the RSS feed here.  That is all!

This now solves the RSS problem of duplicate entries. Now if you’ve subscribed to this site you’ll get my reader shares as well as my tweets and regular posts.

UPDATE 1: Or something horrible can happen! My greader share mechanism spammed out like crazy and then the twitter tools plugin puked about it. On the one hand I’m lucky my Twitter account didn’t spam like crazy, however I’ll have to wait and see if it happens again. It will be unpleasant if it does.

Ugh, disabled twitter tools, but the reality is I need to disable the Google Reader plugin and find a replacement so I can go back to Twitter Tools. Frustrating.

UPDATE 2: Turned off Post->Twitter to see if that will help. If not then I’m going to have to scrap the daily greader share post.

UPDATE 3: Well it didn’t help, so I guess the daily spam is temporarily going away until I find a new GReader share output method.

UPDATE 4: Well I’ve recanted on my decison since my Google Shares are more compelling than my tweets. I was looking at various solutions and the coolest ones require PHP5.0 and my host is just slightly behind unfortunately. I’ll see if I can upgrade and then have it all sorted out, but for now, everything is going back to the way it was.

Transformers 2 Review

I think the RSS feed cheats and gives the full story anyway.  Spoilers below though and if you’re reading on a feed just skip past.

Read the rest of this entry

Links for June 28, 2009

From my Google Reader shares

Links for June 25, 2009

From my Google Reader shares

I finally setup my account and only used Pandora in passing on my phone/ipod.  Now I’m going to be putting them both through the paces to see which I’ll like better.  There are pretty much no negative reviews about Pandora but I want to see how good is going to be and see how it’s going to handle on the upcoming Xbox360 update.  I added a link to my account on the around the web section and would have done the same had Pandora had such a feature (maybe it does and I’m dumb).

My initial impression is that has this trio mixer where you can pick 3 of your favorite bands for it to generate a playlist.  It seems a bit more cumbersome in Pandora where you have to create a station first then add variety to it.  But we’ll see which delivers songs I like on a more consistent basis!

UPDATE: Oh I found the Pandora page:

Links for June 24, 2009

From my Google Reader shares

Links for June 23, 2009

From my Google Reader shares

Links for June 22, 2009

From my Google Reader shares

Links for June 21, 2009

From my Google Reader shares

Links for June 19, 2009

From my Google Reader shares