Links for August 27, 2009

From my Google Reader shares

Blizzcon 2009: Part 3 The Finale

Saturday August 22nd

Remember all the junk I told you about in the bag? Well today was the day to pour through a lot of that stuff. We started by doing the fishing quest which starts you at Brady Games and gives you a small burlap bag and a map. You’re instructed to go through the convention center to various other booths and get 5 lures and then to come back for a sort of raffle prize. It was crazy how many people ended up doing this, the lines were so freaking long. They were the longest lines I stood in all convention but they still went by fairly quickly, no longer than 30 minutes max and some we went through in under 5 minutes. We got all the lures, but only Ashley and Jon actually went to the raffle later. I saw the line for it and it had to be as long as all 4 halls combined. They went when Ozzie was on or before that when the line was super short. For me, all I got was 5 lures and a burlap sack. Read the rest of this entry

Links for August 26, 2009

From my Google Reader shares

Blizzcon 2009 Part 2: The Madness

Friday August 21st

Housekeeping again swings by early as a wakeup call which sets us all into motion. It’s way too early though and the doors don’t open until 10 or something, maybe 9. So instead of waiting in the mass of humanity, we casually chill out in our hotel room watching the throngs of people move towards the convention center. I’m up in the room browsing through Reader hoping to catch wind of any new news that may slip out since the doors opened, but amazingly, there wasn’t any. Unlike years past where once the doors are flung open people’s vision is set upon the new area of greatness, they very carefully hid what was to be unveiled. The program as well wasn’t being handed out until after the opening ceremony. It was incredible that after 4 years they got it right! Read the rest of this entry

Links for August 25, 2009

From my Google Reader shares

Tuesday August 18th

Driving Route

We set out using the route TomTom gave us and it was a taxing ride. After cutting over to the 40 in Amarillo there was non-stop crazy rain until about the border of New Mexico. My 3 wiper settings went from sprinkle to crazy to shut your eyes because you’ll see about as well. Incredibly, I navigated through that mess. Read the rest of this entry

Links for August 24, 2009

From my Google Reader shares

Links for August 20, 2009

From my Google Reader shares

Links for August 19, 2009

From my Google Reader shares

Links for August 18, 2009

From my Google Reader shares