Archive for the ‘ Site News ’ Category

Technical Difficulties

I’ve done something bad to the background of the site, as such it’s acting weird when I log in/out of the admin page. Hopefully I can get it fixed up soon.


Site Upgrade Complete!

Well, mostly complete.  There’s still some stuff to work on.

To Do:

  • Create archival page for all CuteNews content
  • Digg Integration
  • Migration of Links
  • Update About page
  • Update Project page

There’s some cool new things I can do now which is update the site via the iPod Touch if I’m in an area where I have a wifi connection.  The more tag seems to work as well so I can have sort of spoiler-ish posts with hidden info when I’m talking about whatever show/movie/game I’m watching/playing.  There’s a far better image uploading system as well so I can post my low quality camera phone pictures.  I should really invest in a digital camera.

Site Upgrades

Well, I’m researching new content management systems and so far I guess WordPress is going to be the winner. I’ll be working on migration over the next two weeks or so and expect a rollout in August. Hopefully everything will be nice and tidy afterwards.

UPDATE: Or I can just roll it out in a matter of days because of the ease of implementation. There’s no import feature for my old CMS so I have to rig the site up to accomodate the old posts. However, moving forward, everything should be far far smoother.